Whether you’re one of the legion of women who dream of looking like a princess, or not, your wedding day is surely a day when you want to look your best. However, in our wish to look perfect, we are often prone to experimenting on our big day, and those experiments don’t always turn out as we had hoped. Here are some of the most common beauty mistakes brides to be make, and exactly how to avoid them.
No surprises on the big day!
Whatever look you decide to do, make sure you try it out before your wedding day. That doesn’t mean you have to opt for your go-to look. It’s okay to use this occasion to try out something different – a new product or a more dramatic look – but whatever it is, try it out beforehand. Applying make-up for half an hour or more just to find out you look like a raccoon, or your new lipstick wears off after 10 minutes is not fun. Brides are usually stressed out as is, and they definitely don’t need to worry about their make-up too.
Choose your foundation carefully
If there’s any occasion when it’s worth to splurge a bit more on quality products, it’s your wedding. After all, your make-up should stay put for hours and hours. It’s best to use products that are known for their staying power. Your foundation is the key piece to the puzzle – quality foundation will help keep everything else in place. Take care to pick a shade that looks natural on you. And don’t skimp on quality concealer – any problem areas need to be covered meticulously. You don’t want any spots making an appearance in your wedding photos! Be moderate with trends like contouring and highlighting. What looks good today, might seem dated in a few years.

Wedding Hair and Makeup
Go for waterproof
You might think it won’t happen to you, but weddings can be very touching. A few tears could definitely make an appearance. There’s nothing wrong with that. But don’t let the tears take your make-up with them when they fall! Waterproof is the way to go. Smudged mascara is not a good look for a glowing bride.
Take care of your skin
Make-up is great, but its effect is limited. To truly look your best, you need to start taking proper care of your skin at least several weeks before the wedding. Hydration should become the most vital part of your beauty routine. Exfoliate, drink plenty of water, and moisturise religiously! If your skin and lips are not nourished, the dryness will show even with the best make-up in the world.
Be Photo Ready
Looking great in natural light and looking great in pictures are two completely different things. Lighting also plays a crucial role. Almost any look will photograph well in natural light. However, when you throw artificial lighting into the mix, the results can be surprising, and not in a good way. Consult your make-up artist and your photographer before you make any decisions. There are plenty of tried and true tips on how to apply your make-up so that it looks great in photos. If possible, try out the exact look before the big day and take a few snaps just to see how it photographs.
Your wedding day make-up should work together with your beautiful outfit and glossy hair, to create the most breathtaking look of your life. One day you should be able to look back at your pictures of the day and not cringe about over-the-top fake lashes, or purple eyeshadow, but marvel at how gorgeous you look.